

I feel so hopeless
I feel so much shame
I feel homeless without your love
Never thought you could wave goodbye to me so rapidly
You waved goodbye, I fell apart, and my world was torn in two
Never thought you had it in you to let me go at all
There are so many things I want to voice out to you
But you have stopped caring to spare a second for me
You have stopped loving me
The space that I had in your heart has been left vacant
Oh I was wish I could own that position in your heart once more
I cry for your loss everyday
I cry for you silently
I cry for you for I feel robbed
I can never mourn your loss openly
As I belong to a world who has no knowledge of your existence 

So I cry secretly
I have hurt you, possibly made you weep
I have let you down
Never have I ever freed myself of you
So convinced you are that I lived without you
Never did I ever see me without your love
Yet you believe I let you go
For you had let me go, and put memories of us to death,
You made yourself believe I had done the same
I have never let you go
I will never let go of your love
I weep so much as I don’t see signs of me letting go of you anytime soon
Give me the remedy that helped you let me go