Came into my life from nowhere and have now left traces of your voice, scent and smile in all that I do
Never did I envisage what's now become of us that I shiver with fear upon learning that with you I lose self control
I smile when I feel your heart beat, my eyes overflowing with tears as I have no knowledge of how to fix this beautiful mess we have diligently made of ourselves
I listen to your voice cluttered with pain, all I wanna do is hold you and tell you it's gonna be alright, yet I too am not alright
I've become so selfish, wanting to dictate what needs to be done, paying no mind to the a wreck I have made of your heart
I will not splatter you with words of regrets, selfish as it sounds; joy is all that clothes me when you and I dwell in one place
I fear not to lose you yet losing you is all that's necessary to have this cleaned up
How do I then not want to touch, kiss and fuck you if it's all that I wanna do?
How do I now pretend you haven't taken me to destinations unknown?
How do I now think of you less when all I want to think about is you?
How do I convince myself to let go so you can slowly let go where I myself have my claws buried in your heart and wouldn't want it otherwise?
How do I now call of the search when I still want you to dig inside me and locate that very emotion that rejoices in your presence?
How do we call off this gathering without us being hurt?
©S Phohleli 2012-03-30