My girlfriend drinks, she is a type who once in a while will drink to get drunk. I don't mind her drinking, she drank way before she even knew I existed so I wasn't gonna change the poor child, even if I did mind her drinking, it would not make her stop, drinking is one thing she wouldn't change even if it made me happy, I think she has a "till death do us part "contract with liquor city. We, no matter how low on the rand we are, always have to have R60 for at least one 6 pack hunters dry (before it was savannah).
My point... (not yet)...the one reason I don't mind her getting drunk is because when she is drunk (not zoned out) we fuck for hours, I am always in need for such good times because of the work I do, she has labelled me (correctly so) a sex slave, she's stayed with me all these years so she clearly isn't put off by this insatiable craving. My point is, I may not have told you that she now stays 7 hours, 5 toll gates, 62 litres of fuel and a million speed traps, away from me (now you know), we are in a long distance relationship, the hardest shit like constipation but we are doing it, some days are worse than others but yesterday takes the cup. So I was chatting with her last night, saying our good-nights and all, also was telling her that I wrote a note for and about her, she asked me to email it to her (she doesn’t get this blog thing) so I did and she loved it, while trying still saying goodbye in the words of I miss you, I love you, come home, I will call you tomorrow, she was a bit ahem too in love and she gets like that mostly when she's drunk but Arg she couldn't have been because we were both broke, yesterday was the day before payday after all, I made myself believe until she told me goodnight, baby ngiphuzile yazi (I'm drunk) and I was like damn, imagine the sex...then I said goodbye baby...