My friend once shaved my eyebrows off (I cried and she kept saying sorry, I wanted my eyebrows back and not an apology, told her to save her sorry ass for someone who actually needed it (but in a much ruder way) and then I cried some more, you would also cry if you had the bastards of the colleagues I called friends LOL); don’t know what the heck she was thinking and my friends at work (as expected) laughed their asses off and uhmmm guess what, they gave me a pet name, bitches called me “Surprise” and “Smanga” (that’s Surprise in Zulu) saying I looked surprised all the time (I did though but I just didn’t wanna hear it especially from them)...They made fun of me until they grew back, so that was a month long of mockery and I swore I wouldn’t be made feel like that ever again... So I went to the salon this weekend to just tweeze them and that bitch almost repeated history with me like WTF (haven’t I been punished enough?). I clearly said “please just shape them” not fucken remove me, and then I reminded her again to shape them, when I felt the razor in a place it shouldn’t be I yelled “just stop”, but in my mind I was screaming “Bitch just fucken stop”. Lady acted as if she didn’t understand Zulu, like WTF (who works at a Salon in Southgate mall and can’t understand Zulu, she was just fucking with me, she could tell I was mad then decided to play dumb, well that was smart of her though ‘cos I was about to go frantic on her ) and she had the nerve to ask me if I still want her to continue shaping them, there is a difference between shaping and shaving and bitch only understood shaving....I was so paranoid I was asking everyone at the mall if I looked funny and those ladies all said I looked fine, I didn’t believe them though, I thought they just didn’t wanna hurt me, spirit of Ubuntu my ass, I wanted the truth and no one wanted to tell it, I was really scared, I wasn’t scared of having no eyebrows, I was awfully scared of being called “Surprise” again...