So I have these crazy friends of mine who told me that they like staying in the nude and it kinda would make me uncomfortable if I were to witness it, so I asked them to cover up especially when I’m around and shame they have been obedient so far. Mo even told me that nakedness is the purest way of worship (as in bible typa worship) and still I wasn’t sold. You can never get me to sit naked like that unless it was a different setting, with just 2 souls me being the second one, doing different things that require of me to be unclothed. I mean different settings that lead to sounds, moaning and other stuff like that. I swear I would agree to nudity only under such settings, i.e.
In order to please and be pleased
To uhmm do unto a soul as that soul does unto me
Where the sound of a voice is conquered by the sound of the body
Where foreign languages are spoken and the need to translate is irrelevant because you can decipher exactly what’s being said
Where sounds actually become a compass to a unexplored destination
Where the pulling of hair, grabbing of ass, sucking, licking, caressing of a whole lotta body parts is the order of the moment
So if that be any form of worship then I will worship that soul