I like how they feel on my
chest when you lay on me, feed on me like some frenzied cunt
I like ...that rough soft texture, almost dry yet
no breakage ever occurs kinda feel
...that I am a proud African vibe
they have going on
I feel some kind of
connection, emotional jellying, when I feel them against my skin, pushing them
against me like they can open the locks of my soul to have conversations with
the possessor of my soul
Like they are a part of
us, a third element to our union, like some mistress that knows her place
I like how they make you
look like some innocent untouched soul when they hang loose
Hanging down your ears
like they hear on your behalf
I like how I look at you;
then gaze up to the crown of your head and they are there as if they add
meaning to your being, as if they are the definition of your being or together
you are defined
I like how I have spoken
of them without speaking of you
Call me shallow but I
doubt I would have gone for you if you had that lil'Afro swag on