whenever I think Twilight I think her
I shiver at
the thought of sunset as it is going be yet another night without her
winter under my sheets
nightmare specialist promised to hurt me again tonight
The silence
that clutters the emptiness of my home
The dreams I
could dream better if she was here with me
I think of
her and I see the rays of the sun
That ray of
hope that dominates my every being whenever I breathe the air of dawn
A new day
that still doesn't bring her home
A day closer
to tomorrow, hopefully she will be home at tomorrow's twilight
tomorrow not birth her presence, I will cry a little, mourn a little, pray a
little and smile a little
Until she
returns home, I will dedicate every twilight, every sunshine, every moonlight,
every star, every rain fall, and every sound of wind to her
While I delightfully
drench myself in every tear, every prayer, every lonesomeness waiting for her
to knock on my door
Hope hasn't
yet left my side