So I wait around in silence
Waiting for the darkness to fall
Wearing pyjamas of happiness
Where at are we meeting this time?
You turned my days upside down
Making me a worshipper of night fall
So I sit around in the cold
Anticipating the warmth of your arms
Feeling the warmth of your love
What words will you utter this time?
So I sit around drenched in tears
Awaiting your arrival
The nightfall has come
The dawn is sneaking up on me
I missed a dream
Did I not dream of you this time?
So I sit around in mourning
You are never to return
He has come for your soul
Leaving me with no care
So I sit around in thanksgiving
Saluting the heavens you were once there
Mine for keeps
Once you called my name in satisfaction
Twice you ran to me for cover
Forever you will reign in me, my queen
So I sit around counting my loss
Licking my wounds
Dancing in worship
Trials of faith
Now he has come
Making your soul his own